
Google Ads: Responsive Search Ads Now the Default Type

Google has officially confirmed that the dynamic ad format it introduced three years ago will now be the default type for Google Ads search campaigns. Responsive Text Ads are taking over as the new norm, though Google also confirmed that customers will still be able to create […]

John Mueller Shares Words of Wisdom on the Basics of Link Building

When Google’s John Mueller offers advice on link building, it is advice everyone should heed. In a recent Office Hours hangout, Mueller provided a series of solid gold insights into the effectiveness or otherwise of purchasing links to improve SEO. Specifically, he was asked by a participant […]

No, You Cannot Please All of the People All of the Time

Ambition, optimism and enthusiasm – the three cornerstones of a successful online business venture, but at the same time, too much of any of these three things can steer you down a dark and unproductive path. When launching an online business or building a website, it is […]

Google Advises Prioritising Category Pages Over Individual Pages

Whether or not the John Mueller comments applied to all websites and online businesses across the board remains open to interpretation. In this instance, we are talking about a conversation that took place during last weeks SEO hangout; while speaking with the owner of a website, Mueller […]

Web Traffic Volumes: Why Bigger Is not Always Better

Every website needs a steady stream of traffic to sustain it. In the absence of traffic, a website is a redundant entity. As a result, all businesses prioritise web traffic as a primary component of their Google SEO strategy, but what is often overlooked is the fact […]

June 23rd Sees Spam Update released by Google Search

Have you noticed a change in Google Search rankings over the last couple of days? If you have, it is more than likely down to a new spam update released by Google on Wednesday of this week. It was announced on the 23rd that there would be […]

Google: Forget Stop Words, Focus on Natural Writing

If you have being keeping your ear to the ground as of late, you will have undoubtedly picked up on the hype surrounding ‘stop words’ over the past few weeks. Specifically, this refers to a post published by SEMrush that contained a list of supposed “SEO stop […]

SEO Copywriting: What Does ‘Tone of Voice’ Really Mean?

Your brands tone of voice is one of its most distinguishing characteristics. It is what provides you with the opportunity to differentiate yourself from your competitors and engage your target audience. Drab, monotone and robotic content that lacks personality is a drag to read.  Presented in the […]

URLs That Are Too Similar May Be Flagged as Duplicate Pages, Google Confirms

Googles John Mueller has bestowed a golden nugget of knowledge to the world web development community; speaking in a recent Google Search Central SEO hangout, Mueller provided an eye-opening insight into the way Googles crawlers detect and deal with duplicate content. Specifically, he spoke of how a […]

The Core Principles of Accessible Website Design

Everyone has experienced the kind of website that makes you wonder what on earth its developers were thinking. Sites that are impossible to navigate on a mobile device, horrendous font choices you can hardly read and navigation systems that are complex simply for the sake of it […]