There has been yet another report of another unverified Google Search ranking algorithm update late last week. This one seemed to have started on June 28th and became even more volatile on the 30th. The past several weeks have been a very volatile time with the Google Search results.
We expected that Google would have confirmed a search ranking update by now, but this does not seem to be the case yet.
Earlier Recent Unverified Updates
To keep everyone updated, the last reported unverified Google update was around June 23rd, before that was June 19th
There were also some reports on all of the following dates:
• June 14th
• June 6th
• May 22/23rd
• May 17th
• May 10th
• and another around early May.
The last month has been full of unverified updates, but the last confirmed Google update was the April 2023 reviews update.
Google Tracking Tools
Below are some of the latest information coming from automated tracking tools, they all seem to be recording some kind of big change.
Any of the line seen below that is orange or red indicated high or very high changes being seen on Google.
Once the green line below starts rising, the more changes are being detected by SERPmetrics
Any of the bars below that are either orange or red indicate that a big change can be seen on Google. Anything in green or blue indicates that very little is happening at that time.
Advanced Web Rankings:
Once the blue line below starts rising, the more changes are being detected by Advanced Web Rankings.
As above once the blue line below starts rising, the more changes are being detected. This is also tracked by using degree’s, the higher the degree, the more changes are being found.
Cognitive SEO:
Just like RankRanger any of the bars below that are orange or red indicate a big change being seen on Google.
The red bars below indicate any kind of big change on Google’s rankings.
The main question to ask is “what is going on with Google?”